My Farmer's Wife Quilt 40,000 of 111,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
15-Nov-12 4:47am 10,000 10 more blocks done!! 40,000
1-Oct-12 8:14am 1,000 Completed block 100 - Weathervane 30,000
18-Jul-12 8:30am 5,000 Finished 5 blocks during the month of July 29,000
2-Jul-12 9:49am 12,000 24,000
28-Mar-12 7:04am 5,000 Finished Hovering Birds, Mother's Dream, Seasons, Attic Windows, End of Day 12,000
21-Mar-12 11:36am 7,000 Completed Cut Glass Dish, Country Path, Century of Progress, Hill & Valley, Kitchen Woodbox, Silver Lane, Flock 7,000
Estimated Count:

111,000 words

Current Count:

40,000 words

Words Left:

71,000 words



Last Activity:

15-Nov-2012 4:47am

Estimated Finish:

Tuesday, May 12th

Longest Streak:

1 day

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

240 days

Daily Average:

166.7 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

6,666.7 words

About this project

111 six inch quilt blocks.