Progress on The Height of Desire
This screen shows the progress on this project in a variety of ways.
The Chart tab shows the progress over time.
The History tab shows a log of the progress.
The About tab shows some interesting statistics about this project.
The Height of Desire 93,814 of 93,814 words

When | Words | Comments | Total |
24-May-13 5:40pm | 237 | Finished epilogue. Done with this draft! | 93,814 |
22-May-13 12:03pm | 886 | Finished Chapter 29, started on Epilogue | 93,577 |
20-May-13 12:34pm | 186 | More work on Chapter 29 interrupted by some research | 92,691 |
17-May-13 8:36am | 236 | A little more in Chapter 29 and epilogue. | 92,505 |
15-May-13 12:09pm | 457 | Finished Chapter 28, well into 29. | 92,269 |
13-May-13 11:04am | 36 | More work on Chapter 28 | 91,812 |
10-May-13 12:35pm | 878 | More work refining Chapter 28 | 91,776 |
7-May-13 2:24pm | 27 | A quick idea added to Chapter 28 | 90,898 |
6-May-13 12:01pm | 259 | More refinement to Chapter 28 | 90,871 |
5-May-13 8:12am | 2,261 | Roughed out to the end on writers' retreat | 90,612 |
1-May-13 11:50am | 268 | Roughing out Chapter 28 | 88,351 |
29-Apr-13 11:35am | 139 | Finished Ch27--finally! | 88,083 |
26-Apr-13 11:57am | 106 | More work on Chapter 27. What a bear of a scene--but I think I have it close now. One more scene to go. | 87,944 |
24-Apr-13 12:02pm | 244 | Continued work on Chapter 27 | 87,838 |
19-Apr-13 12:05pm | 188 | Refining Chapter 27 | 87,594 |
18-Apr-13 12:07pm | 337 | Finished roughing out Ch27 (will have to go back and rework) and started roughing out beginning of Ch28. | 87,406 |
17-Apr-13 12:12pm | 344 | More work on Chapter 27 | 87,069 |
15-Apr-13 12:35pm | 617 | More work on Chapter 27 | 86,725 |
10-Apr-13 11:43am | 81 | Changes to end of Chapter 26, more changes to 27 | 86,108 |
8-Apr-13 11:09am | 1,908 | More work on Chapter 27 | 86,027 |
25-Mar-13 11:19am | 113 | Not much time to write today--or this week for that matter--but trying to do a little. Did some refining of the end of Chapter 26. | 84,119 |
20-Mar-13 11:35am | 386 | More work back on Chapter 26, roughed out beginning of Chapter 27 | 84,006 |
18-Mar-13 11:37am | 236 | Finished Chapter 26 | 83,620 |
15-Mar-13 12:04pm | 445 | More progress on Chapter 26 | 83,384 |
13-Mar-13 12:09pm | 872 | More progress on Chapter 26 | 82,939 |
11-Mar-13 12:01pm | 552 | Work on beginning of Chapter 26 | 82,067 |
8-Mar-13 8:52am | 285 | Finished Chapter 25, starting 26. | 81,515 |
6-Mar-13 11:31am | 174 | More work on Chapter 25, nearly done | 81,230 |
1-Mar-13 11:10am | 468 | More work on Chapter 25 - nearly done. | 81,056 |
27-Feb-13 11:54am | 483 | More work on Chapter 25 | 80,588 |
26-Feb-13 4:06am | 100 | More tinkering with first scene in Chapter 25 | 80,105 |
25-Feb-13 11:42am | 1,449 | Good start on Chapter 25 | 80,005 |
24-Feb-13 11:43am | 0 | Oops messed up entry |
78,556 |
22-Feb-13 8:25am | 203 | Long period of editing with no wordcount but I'm finally on to new material. Just finished Chapter 24. Onward and upward! | 78,556 |
16-Jan-13 12:11pm | 194 | More significant edits to Chapters 14 and 15. Feels good. | 78,353 |
14-Jan-13 11:37am | 242 | Line edited through Chapter 13 | 78,159 |
11-Jan-13 11:40am | 7 | Line edits on Chapter 8 | 77,917 |
10-Jan-13 12:42pm | 3 | Line edits on Chapters 6 and 7 | 77,910 |
9-Jan-13 10:04am | 31 | Line edited through Chapter 5 | 77,907 |
7-Jan-13 12:10pm | 2 | After break due to holiday plus persistent flu, going back to read through from the beginning again. Ugh, hate losing momentum like this. Completed a minor line edit of Chapter 1. | 77,876 |
19-Dec-12 10:57am | 208 | Line editing Chapters 5 through 9 | 77,874 |
13-Dec-12 12:14pm | 95 | Finished line edits of Chapter 4, started Chapter 5 | 77,666 |
12-Dec-12 11:46am | 245 | Completed line edits on Chapters 2 and 3 | 77,571 |
11-Dec-12 12:46pm | 18 | Was sick for a while, then made printout and did a read through/line edit to reconnect with the story. Chapter 1 line edits incorporated. | 77,326 |
26-Nov-12 12:04pm | 777 | Getting back to it after being sick, heavy going but it's a start | 77,308 |
13-Nov-12 6:21am | 33 | Edits on what I'd written in Chapter 24, a little new progress. Feeling very slow and painful--sometimes it's so hard to start writing after a break. | 76,531 |
12-Nov-12 1:49pm | 127 | 76,498 | |
8-Nov-12 5:55am | 423 | Further progress on Chapter 24 | 76,371 |
6-Nov-12 6:08am | 85 | More work on Chapters 23 and 24 | 75,948 |
26-Oct-12 6:20am | 176 | Finally moving on to new material, Chapter 24 | 75,863 |
22-Oct-12 6:04am | 16 | Started back after break due to major family business, NJRW with a light edit of the previously written scene | 75,687 |
26-Sep-12 6:19am | 46 | Editing of scene entered yesterday, some more work still to be done | 75,671 |
25-Sep-12 6:07am | 859 | Brought in a chunk from previous draft but it still needs some editing. | 75,625 |
21-Sep-12 10:57am | 189 | Cleaned up big scene from yesterday | 74,766 |
20-Sep-12 6:04am | 996 | Good session | 74,577 |
19-Sep-12 6:00am | 301 | Skipped yesterday--too short on sleep. 7 hours last night and an OK session today. Need to work on this sleep thing. | 73,581 |
17-Sep-12 6:09am | 103 | It took way too much chocolate for me to get going this morning. But started Chapter 23. | 73,280 |
12-Sep-12 9:10am | 393 | First fresh writing after long break (sinus infection, home improvements, college visits). Not bad. | 73,177 |
11-Sep-12 7:07am | -9 | Edited Chapter 22, wordcount down a little due to pruning. | 72,784 |
2-Aug-12 5:56am | 86 | Mostly editing today | 72,793 |
1-Aug-12 6:41am | 106 | Mostly research today | 72,707 |
31-Jul-12 6:05am | 128 | At the end of the session realized some more stuff I want to research. Need. More. Time. | 72,601 |
30-Jul-12 6:04am | 360 | Pretty good session. Lost time last week due to painters in the house, A/C probably next week, keep chugging whenever possible | 72,473 |
30-Jul-12 4:55am | 0 | Correction from earlier entry--somehow put in 43 as total word count versus new words | 72,113 |
25-Jul-12 10:00pm | 43 | Not a lot of wordcount but some good revisions | 72,113 |
25-Jul-12 6:03am | 95 | Not a lot of wordcount due to some editing but good work done. | 72,070 |
24-Jul-12 6:30am | 260 | Feeling hot and cranky today--want A/C! But got a little done. | 71,975 |
23-Jul-12 5:58am | 451 | Not bad, hoping to continue momentum through the week. | 71,715 |
20-Jul-12 6:43am | 139 | Another good session | 71,264 |
18-Jul-12 10:00pm | -406 | Correction--wrong wordcount added previously | 71,125 |
18-Jul-12 10:00pm | 616 | Excellent session--need more of these! | 71,531 |
17-Jul-12 5:15am | 406 | A good early morning session. This week is tough for scheduling (too many appointments) but I will keep trying to find pockets for writing. | 70,915 |
16-Jul-12 9:27am | 376 | Back to work after vacation, house guests, car and appliance woes. Feels good to be writing again! | 70,509 |
25-Jun-12 9:03am | 249 | Last week was tough due to heat wave and end of school stuff. Today a little better again. | 70,133 |
20-Jun-12 6:35am | 455 | At last a slightly longer session. Feel good about additional development I'm doing in Chapter 21. | 69,884 |
19-Jun-12 6:18am | 81 | Another horribly busy day...want more writing time! | 69,429 |
18-Jun-12 12:27pm | 105 | Reminding myself that a half hour of writing is better than none... | 69,348 |
15-Jun-12 6:11am | 201 | Had to deliver a folder to the middle school, so missed writing yesterday. Grrr... Short session today. Summer has to be better. | 69,243 |
13-Jun-12 6:26am | 113 | Yesterday dealing with car trouble and disability insurance issues (those still ongoing). Blech! Kills my writing time. | 69,042 |
11-Jun-12 6:12am | 269 | Mondays are too busy! | 68,929 |
8-Jun-12 9:17am | 1,113 | Longer session today with husband out of town. | 68,660 |
7-Jun-12 7:15am | 777 | Honestly, this is today's wordcount. Maybe a good omen. :) | 67,547 |
6-Jun-12 7:17am | 189 | Split end of Chapter 20 off into start of Chapter 21, made some refinements. | 66,770 |
5-Jun-12 6:20am | 85 | Short session today but improvements to Chapter 19 and a little further on Chapter 20 | 66,581 |
4-Jun-12 12:09pm | 412 | Refining Chapters 18 through 20 | 66,496 |
1-Jun-12 6:12am | 96 | Finished a scene and like it. Hope to get more productive wordcount-wise next week. | 66,084 |
31-May-12 6:08am | 119 | Yesterday shot due to a missed schoolbus; today a little more refinement on Chapter 20. It feels like it's taking forever but this is a major turning point in the romance and I do want to get it right! | 65,988 |
29-May-12 6:17am | 348 | Good session, some new ideas for Chapter 20 | 65,869 |
25-May-12 12:26pm | 293 | Errands and minor issues and missed schoolbuses conspiring against me this week, but I finally got a little time in again. Hoping for better luck next week. | 65,521 |
21-May-12 6:08am | 110 | More research along with continued work on the landing scene | 65,228 |
18-May-12 11:10am | 151 | Filling in more details about ballooning. | 65,118 |
17-May-12 6:03am | 245 | Good progress on figuring out descent and landing, along with emotional impact. | 64,967 |
16-May-12 11:40am | 62 | Still researching landing and othe ballooning details. | 64,722 |
15-May-12 6:20am | 127 | Most of this session spent researching descent and landing of a hydrogen balloon. | 64,660 |
11-May-12 6:15am | 276 | More work on Chapter 20, also spent some time researching how to land a hydrogen balloon. | 64,533 |
10-May-12 12:35pm | 12 | These 12 words are all I can count for the past three days, which I spent reflowing Chapter 20 so the emotions worked better. Ah well... | 64,257 |
7-May-12 12:33pm | 64 | Spent most of today's session restructuring Chapter 20, right stuff happening, wrong order. | 64,245 |
4-May-12 11:47am | 316 | Liking how the story is going. And got at least a short session in every day this week, despite LIFE. :) | 64,181 |
3-May-12 6:16am | 245 | Some editing, a little work forward. | 63,865 |
2-May-12 8:53am | 283 | Not a lot of time to write but I felt I used it well. | 63,620 |
1-May-12 6:14am | 379 | Not a lot of time but some good work done again. Trying to keep the habit of writing daily. | 63,337 |
30-Apr-12 11:25am | 147 | Not much time to work today, catching up after being away for three days. But committed to trying to get in at least a short session every day. | 62,958 |
29-Apr-12 11:59am | 2,377 | Another fantastic writing retreat day. :) | 62,811 |
28-Apr-12 4:43pm | 2,418 | Writing retreat--making good progress! | 60,434 |
28-Apr-12 3:52am | 508 | Just arrived at writers' retreat, getting back into it after a break due to family issues. | 58,016 |
19-Apr-12 6:08am | 40 | Missed a week due to travel and family obligations. Now I'm re-editing what was Chapter 16 and is now 16 and 17. Very happy with them and also happy to be moving on! | 57,508 |
4-Apr-12 11:57am | 47 | Some tough editing today, requiring much staring out of the window | 57,468 |
3-Apr-12 6:04am | 87 | Not a lot of wordcount because I was editing, but I'm happy with the changes. Hope to finish edits on this section tomorrow and then get to new stuff. | 57,421 |
2-Apr-12 12:06pm | 8 | No significant wordcount but I've redlined Chapter 16 and started making changes. | 57,334 |
29-Mar-12 5:58am | 363 | The last two days riddled with appointments. Felt good to be writing again and I got to the end of Chapter 16. I know I still need to punch up the emotion so tomorrow I will be editing. | 57,326 |
26-Mar-12 12:08pm | 609 | Pretty good session. Also jotted down some thoughts on the next scene. | 56,963 |
23-Mar-12 9:55am | 448 | A pretty good session today but still not done with Chapter 16! Getting a bit long, I may need to reorganize. | 56,354 |
22-Mar-12 6:04am | 320 | Three appointments yesterday; no writing time. Today a bit more work on the balloon launch, just focusing on getting the order of events and details right. I'll have to go back and get more emotion in later. | 55,906 |
20-Mar-12 6:05am | 189 | Still doing a lot of research into ballooning details. | 55,586 |
19-Mar-12 12:04pm | 255 | Not a lot of words but I'm writing about the preparations for filling and launching a hydrogen balloon (sounds like a crazy science experiment) and trying to get the fiddling details right. I'll have another excuse for slow progress tomorrow. :) | 55,397 |
15-Mar-12 6:14am | 186 | Another pitifully short session but I fixed some problems with the scene anyway. | 55,142 |
14-Mar-12 6:10am | 139 | Got interrupted so just a very quick session but I figure it is better to touch the work a little every day than skip entirely. | 54,956 |
13-Mar-12 6:00am | 571 | No writing yesterday--too many appointments! A little more progress on Chapter 16 today. :) | 54,817 |
6-Mar-12 5:34am | 54,246 | Wordcount when starting progress meter | 54,246 |
93,814 words
93,814 words
0 words
24-May-2013 5:41pm
7 days
1 day
445 days
210.8 words
815.8 words
A historical romance about a Waterloo veteran turned balloonist