Magnifica Revisited 5,750 of 80,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
25-Nov-11 8:42pm 2,000 8 pages 5,750
15-Nov-11 9:59pm 500 2 pages 3,750
6-Nov-11 1:47pm 1,250 5 pages 3,250
5-Nov-11 10:59am 1,000 4 pages 2,000
4-Nov-11 11:51pm 730 3 pages 1,000
3-Nov-11 12:19pm 10 ..again 270
2-Nov-11 11:13am 10 oops... 260
1-Nov-11 1:57pm 250 1 page 250
Estimated Count:

80,000 words

Current Count:

5,750 words

Words Left:

74,250 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Friday, June 13th

Longest Streak:

6 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

25 days

Daily Average:

230.0 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

718.8 words

About this project

WIP = work in progress - oh yeah... "Magnifica" (working title) is an old project; this will be the second rewrite, meaning that apart from the characters, a very basic story line and a few scenes which still fit in everything changes.