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The first step is to find out strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and how the inherited company is currently performing the task in the current business plan. Utilizing strengths to seize opportunities not yet part of the company operations. Need to minimize weaknesses and threats to make a stronger company.
After this due diligence with the employees’ develop a mission statement and a plan to support that ideal.
Analyze the current budget to find the resources needed for the changes that might be needed. If the resources are not in the current budget then we need to look outside for sources of capital.
Present a mission statement to the employees of the company. Provide the plan and training to the company
Education and communication Management should educate people about upcoming changes
before they occur. It should communicate not only the nature of change but its logic. (p.639)
Participation and Involvemen Change requires reflection and dialogue it is important to listen
to the people who are affected by the change; they should be involved in the changes design and
implementation. Ip.639)
Facilitation and Support Management should make the changes are responsible for employees
and support efforts facilitation involves providing training and other resources people need to
carry out the change and perform their jobs under new circumstances. ( p.640)
Negotiation and Rewards When necessary and appropriate management can offer incentives
for cooperation with the change perhaps job enrichment is acceptable only with Highway 28 or
work will change is resistant to management agrees to concession on some other rule. (p.641)
Manipulation and Co-optation Sometimes managers use subtle or covert tactics to implement
change. This might be giving a resisting individual a desirable role in the change process.
Explicit or Implicit Coercion Some managers apply punishment or threats of punishment to
those who resist change. (p.641)
To implement this change interpersonal skills will utilize honesty and integrity. Set up a panel for change to involve the people affected by the change to come up with ideas on what those changes should be and how to implement them. The panel should have the authority and resources to make those changes happen. The need to educate the rest of the employees should also be covered by this panel.