Raenara #1 62,828 of 70,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
18-Jan-12 6:05am 6,000 62,828
11-Dec-11 10:46pm 6,492 December 5-12 56,828
1-Dec-11 6:06pm 17,786 Words written during NaNo.

No, I did not cheat. I had written 33k words on Relics before I switched stories. I did write 50k words during November.
26-Oct-11 10:28am 7,866 Catch up entry from when I dropped the ball and forgot to update. 32,550
6-Sep-11 11:44am 1,541 24,684
30-Aug-11 11:44am 1,061 23,143
26-Aug-11 11:14am 1,700 22,082
25-Aug-11 9:15am 358 So. Tired. I'll do better tomorrow. 20,382
23-Aug-11 8:36pm 909 20,024
22-Aug-11 12:05pm 1,618 19,115
20-Aug-11 8:48pm 1,671 17,497
19-Aug-11 11:55am 1,201 15,826
18-Aug-11 8:52pm 256 14,625
13-Aug-11 7:30pm 3,053 Today was a good writing day. I got my catch up word count goal met. 14,369
12-Aug-11 9:57pm 1,313 11,316
10-Aug-11 10:47pm 252 I couldn't stand being that close to 10k and not making it. 10,003
10-Aug-11 10:27pm 1,108 9,751
9-Aug-11 9:30pm 2,268 Writing done after the kids were in bed. 8,643
9-Aug-11 6:06am 732 Morning writing. 6,375
7-Aug-11 9:06pm 781 Took a week off for an out of state vacation. I'd tried to write while there, but it doesn't work so well when there are two kids in a small hotel room. I'm roughly 1850 words behind schedule now. I hope to make them up and press on this week. 5,643
27-Jul-11 8:53pm 760 4,862
27-Jul-11 4:38pm 802 4,102
25-Jul-11 9:31pm 872 3,300
25-Jul-11 10:20am 983 I had written something like 1100 words today, however, when I did the math, it didn't come out to the same totals. This proves that not all word count tools are created equally. I'll be (hopefully) sticking to just the one I used today from now on. 2,428
12-Jul-11 9:44pm 357 1,445
11-Jul-11 8:24pm 1,088 1,088
Estimated Count:

70,000 words

Current Count:

62,828 words

Words Left:

7,172 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Tuesday, December 24th

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

192 days

Daily Average:

327.2 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

2,855.8 words