Dreaming Death 31,799 of 100,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
2-Aug-11 8:34pm 668 31,799
1-Aug-11 9:13pm 551 31,131
31-Jul-11 7:15pm 799 30,580
30-Jul-11 8:44pm 941 29,781
29-Jul-11 9:29pm 81 Finally finished revising the chapter! 28,840
28-Jul-11 9:19pm 247 Still editing the same cranky chapter! 28,759
27-Jul-11 9:35pm 867 28,512
26-Jul-11 8:53pm 157 More editing tonight. 27,645
25-Jul-11 8:50pm 969 27,488
24-Jul-11 7:58pm 988 26,519
21-Jul-11 6:57pm 1,679 25,531
20-Jul-11 8:19pm 759 23,852
19-Jul-11 7:53pm 382 Mostly editing yesterday's work. 23,093
18-Jul-11 9:10pm 1,082 22,711
17-Jul-11 8:12pm 1,388 21,629
16-Jul-11 8:35pm 674 20,241
15-Jul-11 3:45pm 1,717 19,567
13-Jul-11 7:43pm 1,724 17,850
11-Jul-11 7:52pm 2,610 16,126
10-Jul-11 9:04pm 2,916 13,516
9-Jul-11 9:09pm 4,591 10,600
8-Jul-11 2:50pm 721 6,009
7-Jul-11 8:18pm 1,930 5,288
6-Jul-11 8:10pm 1,109 3,358
5-Jul-11 9:12pm 1,444 2,249
4-Jul-11 8:43pm 421 805
3-Jul-11 9:18pm 384 384
Estimated Count:

100,000 words

Current Count:

31,799 words

Words Left:

68,201 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Sunday, March 2nd

Longest Streak:

10 days

Current Streak:

10 days

Days on Project:

31 days

Daily Average:

1,025.8 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

1,177.7 words

About this project

Dory adores any girl who smiles at him, but he loves magic more than any girl. So when his teacher is murdered, he vows to hunt down the killer, even though he must survive the deadly Wizards Test to even learn how to start.