The Lost Concerto 15,083 of 75,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
22-Jul-11 10:29am 5,408 15,083
30-Jun-11 1:46pm 7,686 Forgot to enter for a few days, catching up now. 9,675
20-Jun-11 6:37pm 829 1,989
18-Jun-11 8:26am 652 slowly but surely, typing in. I'm concentrating on getting new material written, not so much type-in right now. 1,160
17-Jun-11 2:01pm 508 Catching my very first type-in, which as you can see, wasn't much. Fortunately the handwritten manuscript runs way ahead of what I type in. 508
Estimated Count:

75,000 words

Current Count:

15,083 words

Words Left:

59,917 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Monday, September 16th

Longest Streak:

2 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

36 days

Daily Average:

419.0 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

3,016.6 words

About this project

The sequel to Concerto. This is Book Two in the Alexis Brooks series.