The Imposter's Guardian Angel 0 of 50,000 words

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50,000 words

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0 words

Words Left:

50,000 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

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0 days

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0 days

Days on Project:

1 days

Daily Average:

0.0 words

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Active Average:

0.0 words

About this project

The third novel in my fantasy romance series, The Imposter's Guardian Angel is the story of a Piper Ballad, a woman trapped in a brothel where she earns money with her beautiful singing voice--her only means of vocal communication. Wistfully dreaming of a new life, she meets Ransom Shaw, disguised as a priest but who is really a Retrieval Agent from Scotland hired to bring Piper back to the family she doesn't know she has.

When Ransom sets up the meeting to deliver Piper, he learns the one person he thought he could trust above all others has another idea in mind for the charming young woman. Alarmed by the sudden turn, Ransom and Piper flee from Melbourne only to become more and more entangled in a fate that's waited all it's going to wait.