Halloween Story 2,400 of 1,200 words

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16-Apr-08 4:09pm 1,200 “Look at my pumpkins, Seth,” Aunt Joanne cried. “Just look at them! We only got to have them on the porch for two days.”

Seth looked over where his aunt was standing. “Looks like kids took baseball bats to them. It better not be anybody I know.”

Just then the mailman came up the porch steps. He looked at the pumpkins and sighed. “It’s a shame kids have no respect for other people’s property. A rotten shame.”

“I better get this mess cleaned up,” Aunt Joanne said on her way into the house for a broom.

“How about you, Seth,” asked the mailman, “Are you the kind of kid who thinks Halloween is for wrecking things and pulling pranks?”

“Not if you don’t count toilet papering the trees at a couple of girls’ houses. That’s not too bad is it?” He was smiling in a sort of would-be evil way.

The mailman just laughed and started for the next house.

Seth hoped the boys could all come out tonight to play and t.p. some trees. He started to get off the porch swing where he’d been reading Edgar Allen Poe for English, when the landlord, Mr. Wills, stood in front of him.

“Hey, son,” he wasn’t smiling Seth noticed. “What do you know about those broken basement windows in the back?

“What windows?” Seth wondered. “I didn’t notice any broken windows and Aunt Joanne didn’t say anything. You’d better ask her about it. Wait here. I’ll go get her.”

16-Apr-08 4:08pm 1,200 “Look at my pumpkins, Seth,” Aunt Joanne cried. “Just look at them! We only got to have them on the porch for two days.”

Seth looked over where his aunt was standing. “Looks like kids took baseball bats to them. It better not be anybody I know.”

Just then the mailman came up the porch steps. He looked at the pumpkins and sighed. “It’s a shame kids have no respect for other people’s property. A rotten shame.”

“I better get this mess cleaned up,” Aunt Joanne said on her way into the house for a broom.

“How about you, Seth,” asked the mailman, “Are you the kind of kid who thinks Halloween is for wrecking things and pulling pranks?”

“Not if you don’t count toilet papering the trees at a couple of girls’ houses. That’s not too bad is it?” He was smiling in a sort of would-be evil way.

The mailman just laughed and started for the next house.

Seth hoped the boys could all come out tonight to play and t.p. some trees. He started to get off the porch swing where he’d been reading Edgar Allen Poe for English, when the landlord, Mr. Wills, stood in front of him.

“Hey, son,” he wasn’t smiling Seth noticed. “What do you know about those broken basement windows in the back?

“What windows?” Seth wondered. “I didn’t notice any broken windows and Aunt Joanne didn’t say anything. You’d better ask her about it. Wait here. I’ll go get her.”

Estimated Count:

1,200 words

Current Count:

2,400 words

Words Left:

-1,200 words



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