The Vessel 16,193 of 30,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
4-Dec-10 2:59am 1,280 16,193
3-Dec-10 3:34am 830 14,913
15-Nov-10 5:51am 590 14,083
14-Nov-10 5:38am 1,000 13,493
2-Nov-10 5:09am 1,380 12,493
1-Nov-10 5:08am 250 11,113
28-Oct-10 11:57pm 530 10,863
27-Oct-10 6:19am 867 10,333
26-Oct-10 6:32am 657 9,466
23-Oct-10 1:11am 1,030 8,809
21-Oct-10 3:28pm 1,338 7,779
20-Oct-10 3:27pm 260 6,441
17-Oct-10 7:46pm 681 6,181
16-Oct-10 7:46pm 1,033 5,500
15-Oct-10 7:23am 814 4,467
13-Oct-10 5:19am 679 3,653
12-Oct-10 6:50am 1,421 2,974
11-Oct-10 4:32am 1,553 1,553
Estimated Count:

30,000 words

Current Count:

16,193 words

Words Left:

13,807 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Sunday, June 2nd

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

2 days

Days on Project:

55 days

Daily Average:

294.4 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

899.6 words

About this project

An ex-policewoman, cursed with the soul of a dead warlock, must find a way to free herself, before others take it from her by force.