Mander's Scar 15,639 of 90,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
26-Oct-12 8:06pm 1,915 Finally started the chapter from the heroine's PoV. Yay! 15,639
1-Aug-12 2:27pm 1,912 Now that's more like it! 13,724
31-Jul-12 2:27pm 219 Not a grand start, but a start. How I hate description! 11,812
7-Mar-12 2:39pm 11,593 Completed during NANO. Off to a great start! 11,593
Estimated Count:

90,000 words

Current Count:

15,639 words

Words Left:

74,361 words



Last Activity:

19-Mar-2013 1:25pm

Estimated Finish:

Monday, March 27th

Longest Streak:

2 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

234 days

Daily Average:

66.8 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

3,909.8 words

About this project

Mander didn’t choose the markings covering his left forearm, but he did choose the life of a vigilante. While he considers the symbols a curse from God, he uses them alongside his skill with a sword and stealth to do what the law won’t. When touched, the markings teleport him across long distances making him one of the most feared men in the world of Veil. But despite the people he saves, Mander longs for a normal life. A life the symbols will never allow.