The Necromancer's Corpse 2,540 of 15,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
5-Nov-24 1:20pm 513 2,540
4-Nov-24 12:35pm 515 2,027
3-Nov-24 12:55pm 500 1,512
2-Nov-24 10:40am 502 1,012
1-Nov-24 12:05pm 510 510
Estimated Count:

15,000 words

Current Count:

2,540 words

Words Left:

12,460 words



Last Activity:

5-Nov-2024 1:22pm

Estimated Finish:

Saturday, November 30th

Longest Streak:

5 days

Current Streak:

5 days

Days on Project:

5 days

Daily Average:

508.0 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

508.0 words