Arc #1: Assembled 5,169 of 10,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
12-Jan-24 8:20am 235 5,169
11-Jan-24 7:15am 396 4,934
6-Jan-24 9:20am 836 Began prologue chapter. 4,538
5-Jan-24 8:45am 628 Chpt 1 first draft complete. Awaiting beta read and self-review. 3,702
5-Jan-24 7:00am 434 1st Chapter Cont 3,074
4-Jan-24 8:05pm 2,640 1st Chapter: Incomplete 2,640
Estimated Count:

10,000 words

Current Count:

5,169 words

Words Left:

4,831 words



Last Activity:

12-Jan-2024 8:21am

Estimated Finish:

Friday, March 21st

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

2 days

Days on Project:

9 days

Daily Average:

574.3 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

1,033.8 words