all that you ever wanted from me 4,713 of 7,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
23-Jun-23 4:20pm 775 ch2 4,713
20-Jun-23 8:15pm 654 ch2 3,938
17-Jun-23 2:20pm 566 ch2 3,284
17-Jun-23 1:10pm 471 ch2 2,718
16-Jun-23 12:10pm 411 2,247
16-Jun-23 12:10pm 773 1,836
15-Jun-23 9:00pm 893 1,063
13-Jun-23 5:30pm 34 170
22-May-23 10:35am 136 136
Estimated Count:

7,000 words

Current Count:

4,713 words

Words Left:

2,287 words



Last Activity:

23-Jun-2023 4:32pm

Estimated Finish:

Sunday, August 11th

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

33 days

Daily Average:

142.8 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

673.3 words