The Summer of 2005 7,400 of 30,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
14-Oct-22 1:15pm 196 7,400
13-Oct-22 2:50am 173 7,204
13-Oct-22 2:20am 529 7,031
29-Sep-22 3:20pm 447 6,502
29-Sep-22 2:25am 343 6,055
28-Sep-22 4:15am 323 5,712
26-Sep-22 4:50pm 353 5,389
22-Sep-22 4:20am 445 5,036
2-Aug-22 1:20pm 703 4,591
1-Aug-22 2:15am 132 3,888
27-Jul-22 2:50am 3,756 3,756
Estimated Count:

30,000 words

Current Count:

7,400 words

Words Left:

22,600 words



Last Activity:

14-Oct-2022 1:18pm

Estimated Finish:

Thursday, March 27th

Longest Streak:

2 days

Current Streak:

2 days

Days on Project:

80 days

Daily Average:

92.5 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

822.2 words