Descendants of Royalty 35,515 of 50,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
16-Nov-21 8:20pm 277 35,515
9-Nov-21 8:05pm 117 35,238
9-Nov-21 8:00pm 34,911 35,121
9-Nov-21 5:00pm -2,004 210
31-Oct-21 8:05pm 120 2,214
27-Oct-21 9:25pm 288 2,094
25-Oct-21 8:15pm 453 1,806
24-Oct-21 8:00pm 402 aahh I'm so excited for how this is going! 1,353
23-Oct-21 8:30pm 336 951
22-Oct-21 6:15pm 340 gonna write more later, just wanted to write a little bit 615
20-Oct-21 9:10pm 275 Reallyyy tired, so wasn't really feeling like writing today, but I still wanted to do it, so I just wrote a bit 275
Estimated Count:

50,000 words

Current Count:

35,515 words

Words Left:

14,485 words



Last Activity:

16-Nov-2021 8:24pm

Estimated Finish:

Tuesday, August 6th

Longest Streak:

4 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

28 days

Daily Average:

1,268.4 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

3,946.1 words