The Monster in Plain Sight 5,586 of 50,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
9-Aug-21 9:50pm 382 5,586
9-Aug-21 9:20pm 389 5,204
9-Aug-21 9:00pm 241 4,815
25-Jul-21 6:55pm 400 4,574
25-Jul-21 6:40pm 271 4,174
25-Jul-21 6:25pm 231 3,903
25-Jul-21 5:35pm 287 3,672
21-Jul-21 5:00pm 468 3,385
21-Jul-21 4:35pm 373 2,917
21-Jul-21 3:50pm 476 2,544
21-Jul-21 2:35am 832 2,068
20-Jul-21 6:35pm 150 1,236
19-Jul-21 12:15am 1,020 1,086
19-Jul-21 12:15am 66 66
Estimated Count:

50,000 words

Current Count:

5,586 words

Words Left:

44,414 words



Last Activity:

9-Aug-2021 9:54pm

Estimated Finish:

Thursday, October 10th

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

22 days

Daily Average:

253.9 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

1,117.2 words