The Reaper King 3,740 of 15,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
9-Apr-10 8:59am 782 To page 24 3,740
8-Apr-10 11:53am 549 To page 19 2,958
7-Apr-10 9:55am 950 On page 15 now 2,409
6-Apr-10 9:43am 866 To page ten now 1,459
1-Apr-10 8:41am 593 Initial day got five pages complete. 593
Estimated Count:

15,000 words

Current Count:

3,740 words

Words Left:

11,260 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Thursday, August 22nd

Longest Streak:

4 days

Current Streak:

4 days

Days on Project:

9 days

Daily Average:

415.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

748.0 words

About this project

A screenplay about a boy destined to become the Reaper King