The Treasure Hunter's Lady 28,213 of 20,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
2-May-10 1:15pm 2,553 28,213
31-Mar-10 7:44am 4,294 Fin! Done! Over! Wrote the last lines at about 1:10 this morning. 25,660
30-Mar-10 6:37am 4,866 21,366
29-Mar-10 8:02am 3,297 16,500
25-Mar-10 6:21pm 810 13,203
24-Mar-10 1:47pm 2,193 12,393
24-Mar-10 6:23am 2,111 10,200
23-Mar-10 1:08pm 2,259 8,089
23-Mar-10 6:08am 2,465 5,830
22-Mar-10 12:49pm 532 3,365
22-Mar-10 10:35am 2,833 2,833
Estimated Count:

20,000 words

Current Count:

28,213 words

Words Left:

-8,213 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:


Longest Streak:

4 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

42 days

Daily Average:

671.7 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

3,526.6 words

About this project

Romy Farrington is an adventurer/explorer's daughter with a passion for the mysteries of the past. After a close call in South America, her father retires from his life of excitement to Brisbane, Australia and insists she become a lady--something she compares to putting a duck in a dress. Doomed to die a life of boredom, she dons ridiculous dresses and attains some questionable manners.

Abel Courte, adventurer extraordinaire, faces two of the toughest challenges of his life--the first is Romy Farrington, lady on th outside, hellion on the inside. The second is the search for a mystical gem called the Soul of the Rainbow Serpent. Rumored to be hidden in a fabled cavern near Perth, the gem is said to create an elixer that can cure any malady.

Romy catches wind of Abel's intentions and believes him to be nothing more than a greedy treasure hunter. Against her father's instructions and to Abel's annoyance, she stows away to protect the gem from ill intent.

Little does either one know her own father is forced to search for the gem at the risk of Romy's life.