The thing in the Carnival 2.0 25,164 of 25,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
20-Oct-20 5:50am 1,767 25,164
19-Oct-20 11:40am 1,508 23,397
18-Oct-20 1:20pm 624 21,889
18-Oct-20 10:05am 2,059 21,265
17-Oct-20 1:20pm 465 19,206
17-Oct-20 8:00am 1,347 18,741
17-Oct-20 4:30am 1,213 17,394
16-Oct-20 1:00pm 1,005 16,181
15-Oct-20 2:05pm 250 15,176
15-Oct-20 7:15am 459 14,926
15-Oct-20 3:00am 2,344 14,467
13-Oct-20 1:25am 12,123 12,123
Estimated Count:

25,000 words

Current Count:

25,164 words

Words Left:

-164 words



Last Activity:

20-Oct-2020 5:52am

Estimated Finish:


Longest Streak:

6 days

Current Streak:

6 days

Days on Project:

8 days

Daily Average:

3,145.5 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

3,594.9 words