The Thing in the Carnival 15,586 of 15,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
11-Oct-20 8:00am 1,887 15,586
10-Oct-20 11:15am 482 13,699
10-Oct-20 8:40am 1,088 13,217
10-Oct-20 4:20am 122 12,129
9-Oct-20 9:25am 1,036 12,007
8-Oct-20 11:20am 796 10,971
8-Oct-20 3:00am 1,084 10,175
7-Oct-20 5:25am 629 9,091
7-Oct-20 5:00am 447 8,462
6-Oct-20 8:20am 3,135 8,015
5-Oct-20 11:35am 667 4,880
5-Oct-20 3:50am 1,022 4,213
4-Oct-20 8:00am 554 3,191
4-Oct-20 5:55am 1,622 2,637
3-Oct-20 9:55am 1,015 1,015
Estimated Count:

15,000 words

Current Count:

15,586 words

Words Left:

-586 words



Last Activity:

11-Oct-2020 8:04am

Estimated Finish:


Longest Streak:

9 days

Current Streak:

9 days

Days on Project:

9 days

Daily Average:

1,731.8 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

1,731.8 words