The Age of Dragon 11,096 of 110,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
10-Feb-20 11:05pm 1,636 11,096
9-Feb-20 11:00pm 1,075 9,460
7-Feb-20 8:10pm 3,172 8,385
6-Feb-20 8:20pm 902 5,213
5-Feb-20 8:20pm 1,417 4,311
3-Feb-20 10:45pm 1,225 2,894
2-Feb-20 5:15am 507 1,669
1-Feb-20 5:10am 1,162 1,162
Estimated Count:

110,000 words

Current Count:

11,096 words

Words Left:

98,904 words



Last Activity:

10-Feb-2020 11:05pm

Estimated Finish:

Wednesday, July 24th

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

2 days

Days on Project:

10 days

Daily Average:

1,109.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

1,387.0 words

About this project

The world is about to be overrun by Darkspawn and only two Grey Wardens survived to keep the world of Thedas from annihilation. This is their journey.