To Improve English Speaking Ability 0 of 200 words

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About this project

English speaking ability improves by making a little effort in daily life. First of all,listening to and imitating English of good speakers is the one way to improve it. There are quite a few people who listen to the music on the way to school,people who want to improve their English speaking ability should listen to English of good speakers such as Podcasts or TED instead of the music because listening English is learning the way of speaking English. In addition to listening to them,imitating them is also effective way because people can learn pronunciation,accents and how to pause. Next,talking with native speakers of English is also good way to improve English speaking ability. By doing this, people can learn English that used in real conversations. Moreover,people come to speak English with confidence by trying to speak in English somehow. Finally,thinking in English inside of the head make people’s English speaking ability better one. People who are native speakers of Japanese usually think things in Japanese. By trying to think in English,English come out of people’s mouth smoothly when people speak English. The consciousness in daily life make progress in English speaking ability.