A Light in the Dark Class 12,672 of 20,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
24-Oct-18 10:40pm 500 12,672
22-Oct-18 10:40pm 500 12,172
20-Oct-18 1:20pm 1,287 11,672
19-Oct-18 1:20pm 760 10,385
18-Oct-18 11:50am 260 9,625
17-Oct-18 11:50am 500 9,365
13-Oct-18 11:50am 500 8,865
11-Oct-18 11:50am 500 8,365
10-Oct-18 11:50am 500 7,865
7-Oct-18 4:35pm 400 7,365
5-Oct-18 12:45pm 550 6,965
3-Oct-18 12:45pm 550 6,415
1-Oct-18 12:40pm 350 5,865
27-Sep-18 12:45pm 350 5,515
25-Sep-18 2:10pm 1,209 5,165
19-Sep-18 10:25am 216 3,956
17-Sep-18 3:00pm 488 3,740
11-Sep-18 1:55pm 139 3,252
10-Sep-18 9:10am 3,113 start 83113 3,113
Estimated Count:

20,000 words

Current Count:

12,672 words

Words Left:

7,328 words



Last Activity:

13-May-2021 4:44pm

Estimated Finish:

Wednesday, May 22nd

Longest Streak:

4 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

45 days

Daily Average:

281.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

666.9 words