Book 1 111,167 of 100,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
27-May-10 11:31pm 7,253 111,167
24-May-10 9:37pm 3,488 103,914
24-May-10 11:34am 2,709 100,426
23-May-10 2:46pm 3,021 97,717
22-May-10 1:56pm 1,040 94,696
21-May-10 10:39pm 1,390 93,656
21-May-10 10:38pm 1,383 92,266
20-May-10 7:41am 2,992 90,883
18-May-10 9:51am 2,419 87,891
13-May-10 9:51am 743 85,472
12-May-10 11:41am 2,317 84,729
11-May-10 11:57am 3,590 82,412
10-May-10 12:34pm 491 78,822
10-May-10 12:08pm 1,572 78,331
9-May-10 9:53pm 460 76,759
9-May-10 5:34pm 3,452 76,299
7-May-10 12:57am 10 72,847
7-May-10 12:56am 775 72,837
6-May-10 7:37pm 116 72,062
6-May-10 7:36pm 1,400 71,946
6-May-10 2:02pm 349 70,546
5-May-10 11:13pm 1,197 70,197
5-May-10 11:13pm 42 69,000
4-May-10 11:58pm 149 68,958
4-May-10 11:50pm 236 68,809
4-May-10 12:31pm 4,242 68,573
3-May-10 10:29pm 1,151 64,331
3-May-10 1:47pm 1,079 63,180
3-May-10 10:51am 132 62,101
3-May-10 10:36am 1,843 61,969
2-May-10 9:06pm 125 60,126
2-May-10 8:49pm 397 60,001
2-May-10 7:12pm 442 59,604
2-May-10 1:29pm 1,776 59,162
2-May-10 11:03am 601 57,386
2-May-10 10:27am 1,087 56,785
1-May-10 11:25pm 234 55,698
1-May-10 11:19pm 581 55,464
29-Apr-10 3:20pm 588 54,883
29-Apr-10 2:22pm 1,310 54,295
29-Apr-10 2:22pm 204 52,985
29-Apr-10 8:51am 395 52,781
29-Apr-10 8:33am 505 52,386
28-Apr-10 10:38pm 160 51,881
28-Apr-10 10:17pm 1,117 51,721
26-Apr-10 10:44pm 101 50,604
26-Apr-10 9:40pm 540 50,503
26-Apr-10 1:05pm 160 49,963
26-Apr-10 10:28am 603 49,803
25-Apr-10 3:40pm 1,931 49,200
25-Apr-10 1:27pm 1,010 47,269
18-Apr-10 9:48pm 759 46,259
12-Apr-10 10:13pm 900 45,500
6-Apr-10 9:30pm 363 44,600
6-Apr-10 4:01pm 353 44,237
4-Apr-10 9:28pm 2,620 43,884
3-Apr-10 6:28pm 532 41,264
3-Apr-10 4:51pm 453 40,732
2-Apr-10 11:02am 944 40,279
1-Apr-10 11:49pm 2,086 39,335
1-Apr-10 10:06pm 940 still writing....finished chapter 9 37,249
31-Mar-10 10:33am 677 Was interrupted in thought: think about Pernim, the lion, and his dealing with murder. 36,309
29-Mar-10 8:40pm 875 35,632
23-Jan-10 12:12pm 500 34,757
21-Jan-10 6:54pm 401 34,257
20-Jan-10 5:48pm 25 33,856
20-Jan-10 2:55pm 331 33,831
15-Jan-10 12:24pm 560 33,500
14-Jan-10 1:28pm 1,293 32,940
13-Jan-10 9:28pm 1,378 I had some trouble with the exposition; major plot hole. Why make the agreement in the first place? For reasons to keep mankind alive and all the races? Or because the stars willed it. Think about these things. 31,647
13-Jan-10 8:54am 193 30,269
12-Jan-10 12:13pm 382 Couldn't reall focus on the writing today, I had some plot issues and some prophecy stuff to do. 30,076
11-Jan-10 11:37am 683 29,694
9-Jan-10 9:04pm 626 My total word count says that I have 1650 words from today, but I only worked within one chapter, so it is significantly less. I have what I quoted in this entry. 29,011
8-Jan-10 7:54pm 7,610 I did not actually write 7,000 words today. I have been miscalculating my efforts. Today I logged about 1700 words, which is a great day of writing in my book. 28,385
8-Jan-10 12:46pm 1,125 Really great progress today. We're uncovering a lot of exposition and prophecies, and the kind of information that sets up the book to not just be flat action. It is exciting to add life and culture and history to the journey 20,775
7-Jan-10 1:04pm 750 Progress from the past 3 days 19,650
16-Nov-09 2:30pm 800 18,900
3-Nov-09 4:52pm 1,000 18,100
3-Nov-09 4:52pm 100 17,100
3-Nov-09 11:46am 17,000 All of the work I have done so far... 17,000
Estimated Count:

100,000 words

Current Count:

111,167 words

Words Left:

-11,167 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:


Longest Streak:

7 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

206 days

Daily Average:

539.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

2,470.4 words

About this project
