Progress on Book 1
This screen shows the progress on this project in a variety of ways.
The Chart tab shows the progress over time.
The History tab shows a log of the progress.
The About tab shows some interesting statistics about this project.
Book 1 111,167 of 100,000 words

When | Words | Comments | Total |
27-May-10 11:31pm | 7,253 | 111,167 | |
24-May-10 9:37pm | 3,488 | 103,914 | |
24-May-10 11:34am | 2,709 | 100,426 | |
23-May-10 2:46pm | 3,021 | 97,717 | |
22-May-10 1:56pm | 1,040 | 94,696 | |
21-May-10 10:39pm | 1,390 | 93,656 | |
21-May-10 10:38pm | 1,383 | 92,266 | |
20-May-10 7:41am | 2,992 | 90,883 | |
18-May-10 9:51am | 2,419 | 87,891 | |
13-May-10 9:51am | 743 | 85,472 | |
12-May-10 11:41am | 2,317 | 84,729 | |
11-May-10 11:57am | 3,590 | 82,412 | |
10-May-10 12:34pm | 491 | 78,822 | |
10-May-10 12:08pm | 1,572 | 78,331 | |
9-May-10 9:53pm | 460 | 76,759 | |
9-May-10 5:34pm | 3,452 | 76,299 | |
7-May-10 12:57am | 10 | 72,847 | |
7-May-10 12:56am | 775 | 72,837 | |
6-May-10 7:37pm | 116 | 72,062 | |
6-May-10 7:36pm | 1,400 | 71,946 | |
6-May-10 2:02pm | 349 | 70,546 | |
5-May-10 11:13pm | 1,197 | 70,197 | |
5-May-10 11:13pm | 42 | 69,000 | |
4-May-10 11:58pm | 149 | 68,958 | |
4-May-10 11:50pm | 236 | 68,809 | |
4-May-10 12:31pm | 4,242 | 68,573 | |
3-May-10 10:29pm | 1,151 | 64,331 | |
3-May-10 1:47pm | 1,079 | 63,180 | |
3-May-10 10:51am | 132 | 62,101 | |
3-May-10 10:36am | 1,843 | 61,969 | |
2-May-10 9:06pm | 125 | 60,126 | |
2-May-10 8:49pm | 397 | 60,001 | |
2-May-10 7:12pm | 442 | 59,604 | |
2-May-10 1:29pm | 1,776 | 59,162 | |
2-May-10 11:03am | 601 | 57,386 | |
2-May-10 10:27am | 1,087 | 56,785 | |
1-May-10 11:25pm | 234 | 55,698 | |
1-May-10 11:19pm | 581 | 55,464 | |
29-Apr-10 3:20pm | 588 | 54,883 | |
29-Apr-10 2:22pm | 1,310 | 54,295 | |
29-Apr-10 2:22pm | 204 | 52,985 | |
29-Apr-10 8:51am | 395 | 52,781 | |
29-Apr-10 8:33am | 505 | 52,386 | |
28-Apr-10 10:38pm | 160 | 51,881 | |
28-Apr-10 10:17pm | 1,117 | 51,721 | |
26-Apr-10 10:44pm | 101 | 50,604 | |
26-Apr-10 9:40pm | 540 | 50,503 | |
26-Apr-10 1:05pm | 160 | 49,963 | |
26-Apr-10 10:28am | 603 | 49,803 | |
25-Apr-10 3:40pm | 1,931 | 49,200 | |
25-Apr-10 1:27pm | 1,010 | 47,269 | |
18-Apr-10 9:48pm | 759 | 46,259 | |
12-Apr-10 10:13pm | 900 | 45,500 | |
6-Apr-10 9:30pm | 363 | 44,600 | |
6-Apr-10 4:01pm | 353 | 44,237 | |
4-Apr-10 9:28pm | 2,620 | 43,884 | |
3-Apr-10 6:28pm | 532 | 41,264 | |
3-Apr-10 4:51pm | 453 | 40,732 | |
2-Apr-10 11:02am | 944 | 40,279 | |
1-Apr-10 11:49pm | 2,086 | 39,335 | |
1-Apr-10 10:06pm | 940 | still writing....finished chapter 9 | 37,249 |
31-Mar-10 10:33am | 677 | Was interrupted in thought: think about Pernim, the lion, and his dealing with murder. | 36,309 |
29-Mar-10 8:40pm | 875 | 35,632 | |
23-Jan-10 12:12pm | 500 | 34,757 | |
21-Jan-10 6:54pm | 401 | 34,257 | |
20-Jan-10 5:48pm | 25 | 33,856 | |
20-Jan-10 2:55pm | 331 | 33,831 | |
15-Jan-10 12:24pm | 560 | 33,500 | |
14-Jan-10 1:28pm | 1,293 | 32,940 | |
13-Jan-10 9:28pm | 1,378 | I had some trouble with the exposition; major plot hole. Why make the agreement in the first place? For reasons to keep mankind alive and all the races? Or because the stars willed it. Think about these things. | 31,647 |
13-Jan-10 8:54am | 193 | 30,269 | |
12-Jan-10 12:13pm | 382 | Couldn't reall focus on the writing today, I had some plot issues and some prophecy stuff to do. | 30,076 |
11-Jan-10 11:37am | 683 | 29,694 | |
9-Jan-10 9:04pm | 626 | My total word count says that I have 1650 words from today, but I only worked within one chapter, so it is significantly less. I have what I quoted in this entry. | 29,011 |
8-Jan-10 7:54pm | 7,610 | I did not actually write 7,000 words today. I have been miscalculating my efforts. Today I logged about 1700 words, which is a great day of writing in my book. | 28,385 |
8-Jan-10 12:46pm | 1,125 | Really great progress today. We're uncovering a lot of exposition and prophecies, and the kind of information that sets up the book to not just be flat action. It is exciting to add life and culture and history to the journey | 20,775 |
7-Jan-10 1:04pm | 750 | Progress from the past 3 days | 19,650 |
16-Nov-09 2:30pm | 800 | 18,900 | |
3-Nov-09 4:52pm | 1,000 | 18,100 | |
3-Nov-09 4:52pm | 100 | 17,100 | |
3-Nov-09 11:46am | 17,000 | All of the work I have done so far... | 17,000 |
100,000 words
111,167 words
-11,167 words
27-Jun-2012 1:50pm
7 days
1 day
206 days
539.6 words
2,470.4 words