ruins of the future, ruins of the past 3,333 of 3,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
13-Sep-17 3:10pm 826 3,333
13-Sep-17 10:15am 782 2,507
13-Sep-17 3:15am 326 1,725
12-Sep-17 2:05pm 67 1,399
10-Sep-17 2:50pm 116 1,332
10-Sep-17 2:40pm 74 1,216
10-Sep-17 2:05pm 60 1,142
10-Sep-17 1:55pm 223 1,082
9-Sep-17 3:25pm 859 859
Estimated Count:

3,000 words

Current Count:

3,333 words

Words Left:

-333 words



Last Activity:

24-Aug-2018 12:27pm

Estimated Finish:


Longest Streak:

2 days

Current Streak:

2 days

Days on Project:

5 days

Daily Average:

666.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

833.3 words