Saints & Sinners 69,510 of 80,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
10-Oct-09 10:44pm 2,810 I'm (sort of) finished! I reached the end (and it's just soooo tenderhearted) (which probably means I need to cut it, LOL), but I don't really feel "finished" until I go back and fix all the things I meant to all along. Like weaving two new POV characters who appeared in the middle of the book. And making the setting a character in the story.

But still, I'm pumped!
9-Oct-09 10:14pm 2,600 66,700
8-Oct-09 10:20pm 1,100 64,100
7-Oct-09 10:43pm 1,700 Just about to catch him! 63,000
6-Oct-09 10:27pm 4,200 Second plot point like WHOA. (srsly, can I get a what what?) 61,300
5-Oct-09 10:48pm 1,100 Also wrote a short synopsis for another MS and got sucked into reading about 40 pgs from another old MS of mine. And read through two chaps from a CP. AND I played with my kids a bunch. 57,100
3-Oct-09 10:32pm 1,600 56,000
2-Oct-09 10:21pm 2,300 54,400
1-Oct-09 10:21pm 700 Sigh. Slow night--went to a local storytelling club for some fun imagery exercises, though. That's writerly, right? 52,100
30-Sep-09 11:02pm 1,200 Someone. Just. Died. 51,400
29-Sep-09 10:25pm 2,000 Someone's about to die!! Woohoo!

Also came up with a new story idea today. Juggling that one versus the other one I was going to work on next. Also thinking about decreasing my goal. Am I about 2/3s of the way through my story? I hope I'm not too much further--but I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the next 25k words. Oy.

On the other hand, I just got 5k words out of 15 minutes of storytime (4 different concurrent storylines).

Gah. We'll just see.
28-Sep-09 10:58pm 2,800 Actually slightly more than this; I cut some of my notes into another doc. This is net gain. 48,200
26-Sep-09 10:32pm 1,900 45,400
25-Sep-09 10:37pm 2,300 43,500
24-Sep-09 10:12pm 1,100 41,200
23-Sep-09 10:47pm 1,600 The Midpoint! Woohoo! And also, dramatic fruit. Now on to the attack. ATTAAAACK! 40,100
22-Sep-09 10:59pm 2,500 38,500
21-Sep-09 10:57pm 900 Also finished another round of revisions. 36,000
19-Sep-09 11:02pm 1,100 35,100
18-Sep-09 10:59pm 2,000 34,000
17-Sep-09 11:57pm 1,400 32,000
16-Sep-09 11:13pm 1,400 Hit the first pinch point! (Don't know what that is? We'll get to that in our series on plotting!) 30,600
15-Sep-09 10:13pm 2,100 29,200
14-Sep-09 10:21pm 1,400 27,100
12-Sep-09 10:40pm 1,900 25,700
10-Sep-09 10:58pm 1,100 23,800
5-Sep-09 8:27pm 2,700 Hit the first plot point! Woot! 22,700
4-Sep-09 3:49pm 20,000 20,000
Estimated Count:

80,000 words

Current Count:

69,510 words

Words Left:

10,490 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Tuesday, March 18th

Longest Streak:

6 days

Current Streak:

6 days

Days on Project:

37 days

Daily Average:

1,878.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

2,482.5 words