Regency Novel 8,510 of 150,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
12-Nov-09 1:29pm 350 Revised story outline 8,510
22-Oct-09 6:38am 250 Intro to Lucy's situation 8,160
16-Oct-09 2:47pm 500 Abby and Lucy on the Brazen 7,910
16-Oct-09 2:47pm 500 Abby and Lucy on The Brazen 7,410
15-Oct-09 3:13pm 500 Opening scene with Kern- revision 6,910
14-Oct-09 3:12pm 250 Opening scene with Kern 6,410
8-Oct-09 10:12am 650 Tom's arrest and Lucy's confession 6,160
7-Oct-09 5:53am 250 Change dying nephew to boy 5,510
5-Oct-09 6:06pm 300 Worked bath scene 5,260
1-Oct-09 6:06am 300 First meeting on the Brazen 4,960
28-Sep-09 6:38pm 300 Flashback to earlier romance 4,660
27-Sep-09 6:43am 800 Storm scene work 4,360
25-Sep-09 7:04pm 500 St. Nicholas exercise 3,560
24-Sep-09 7:10pm 350 Tom/Lucy scenes 3,060
23-Sep-09 7:10pm 350 Character detail 2,710
22-Sep-09 5:43pm 350 Good beginnings of an ending 2,360
20-Sep-09 5:32pm 250 Freewriting 2,010
19-Sep-09 4:03pm 160 A little distracted today. 1,760
18-Sep-09 2:39pm 600 Elliot/Abby goodbye scene 1,600
17-Sep-09 7:29am 1,000 All that I have written (and not thrown out!) up to today 1,000
Estimated Count:

150,000 words

Current Count:

8,510 words

Words Left:

141,490 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Monday, September 20th

Longest Streak:

4 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

57 days

Daily Average:

149.3 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

447.9 words