Sun 8,011 of 100,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
3-Sep-09 6:47am 691 8,011
31-Aug-09 5:42pm 705 Maatrya meets the sculptor, while the author seems a bit confused about whether said sculptor is old or young. 7,320
30-Aug-09 4:56pm 1,208 Made it through the talking heads scene. Hate it, but it's written.
27-Jul-09 4:07pm 1,419 No, not an amazingly productive day - several days worth. 5,407
22-Jul-09 6:17pm 598 And Teya throws a major wrench in the works, derailing author and protagonist equally. 3,988
21-Jul-09 9:52am 795 Continuing to make life hard for Maatrya. Shooting for approx 9000 words for the first 3 chapters 3,390
9-Jul-09 5:33pm 450 Maatrya learns what its like to be famous. 2,595
8-Jul-09 6:13pm 1,311 Two days worth of writing, and I think I'm still trying to find my story's actual beginning. 2,145
2-Jul-09 10:14am 359 Still on the first scene. 834
1-Jul-09 11:57am 475 Maatrya attends a funeral, but isn't terribly bereaved. 475
Estimated Count:

100,000 words

Current Count:

8,011 words

Words Left:

91,989 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Tuesday, May 5th

Longest Streak:

2 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

65 days

Daily Average:

123.2 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

801.1 words

About this project

The Priestess and The Renegade against the backdrop of the fall of an Egyptianesque dynasty. Or something like that.