Shakespeare's Tree 54,088 of 55,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
2-Aug-09 9:04am 4,500 Mid-way through chapter 23. 54,088
29-Jul-09 10:00pm 800 Finished chapter 20 and revised chapter 13 again to correct a continuity error. 49,588
28-Jul-09 12:44pm 400 48,788
27-Jul-09 1:07pm 2,000 Finished chapter 19 and begun chapter 20. 48,388
26-Jul-09 4:46am 1,000 Complete revision of previous chapters. Now finished chapter 18 and beginning the end section. 46,388
2-Jul-09 11:08am 1,300 Finished chapter 6 45,388
30-Jun-09 12:17pm 800 Starting chapter 6. 44,088
29-Jun-09 1:25pm 2,200 Finished the revision of chapter 5. 43,288
23-Jun-09 1:57pm 6,100 2nd revision through chap 5 completed. About 5000 words deleted. 41,088
16-Jun-09 12:42pm 1,000 Finished chapter three. 34,988
15-Jun-09 12:14pm 1,300 Still revising chapter three. Will need to delete a big chunk though... 33,988
14-Jun-09 8:45am 1,000 32,688
13-Jun-09 1:52pm 1,500 New chapter two continued. 31,688
12-Jun-09 1:16pm 500 Commenced a new chapter 2. 30,188
11-Jun-09 12:44pm 400 Beginning re-write. Revised prologue and chapter one. 29,688
10-Jun-09 1:19pm 1,200 First Draft completed. Now the real work begins. 29,288
9-Jun-09 12:14pm 1,000 Finished chapter 11 and started chapter 12. 28,088
8-Jun-09 12:16pm 900 Chapter 11: re-writing and additional scenes. 27,088
7-Jun-09 8:22am 3,400 Finished chapter ten. 26,188
6-Jun-09 11:59am 22,788 Up to chapter nine: Meredith's story. 22,788
Estimated Count:

55,000 words

Current Count:

54,088 words

Words Left:

912 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Thursday, March 13th

Longest Streak:

11 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

58 days

Daily Average:

932.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

2,704.4 words

About this project

Novel: an old-fashioned ghost story.