Progress 22,425 of 70,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
23-May-09 8:16pm 1,366 22,425
21-May-09 10:44am 960 21,059
21-May-09 10:03am 2,571 20,099
21-May-09 10:03am 687 17,528
29-Apr-09 7:49pm 900 16,841
13-Apr-09 5:59pm 1,285 15,941
12-Apr-09 8:36pm 2,666 14,656
11-Apr-09 10:12pm 1,484 11,990
11-Apr-09 7:26pm 2,291 10,506
10-Apr-09 2:27pm 3,268 8,215
6-Apr-09 2:26pm 1,693 4,947
25-Mar-09 2:24pm 3,254 3,254
Estimated Count:

70,000 words

Current Count:

22,425 words

Words Left:

47,575 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Friday, July 18th

Longest Streak:

4 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

60 days

Daily Average:

373.8 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

2,491.7 words

About this project

During the arson investigation of a small town high school, two teachers uncover their principal's promiscuous secret, and a student is consumed by a close friend's mistakes.