NaNoWriMo 6,342 of 50,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
4-Nov-08 10:33pm 470 6,342
4-Nov-08 7:16pm 979 Chapter 14: complete 5,872
4-Nov-08 10:39am 375 4,893
4-Nov-08 9:43am 578 4,518
3-Nov-08 1:23pm 440 Chapter 13 complete 3,940
3-Nov-08 10:39am 505 3,500
3-Nov-08 9:29am 399 2,995
3-Nov-08 8:33am 135 2,596
3-Nov-08 6:50am 239 2,461
2-Nov-08 1:18pm 188 2,222
2-Nov-08 12:07pm 255 2,034
2-Nov-08 11:47am 1,779 Chapter 12: complete 1,779
Estimated Count:

50,000 words

Current Count:

6,342 words

Words Left:

43,658 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Monday, March 31st

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

3 days

Days on Project:

3 days

Daily Average:

2,114.0 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

2,114.0 words

About this project

This is just here to help me see how much I actually get done during the month of November.