Zombie Super Powers 27,681 of 60,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
22-Oct-14 10:46am 2,489 27,681
6-Feb-14 1:24pm 2,804 Breaking into chapter 11 of 24. 25,192
2-Dec-13 10:24am 555 22,388
11-Nov-13 8:40am 413 21,833
4-Nov-13 7:54am 1,320 21,420
25-Sep-13 10:41am 92 20,100
10-Sep-13 3:12pm 1,195 Finished chapter 6, some of chapter 7 done too. 20,008
9-Sep-13 10:29pm 1,040 Getting closer to finishing chapter 6. 18,813
9-Sep-13 8:23am 17,773 A paragraph into chapter 6. 17,773
Estimated Count:

60,000 words

Current Count:

27,681 words

Words Left:

32,319 words



Last Activity:

22-Oct-2014 10:46am

Estimated Finish:

Sunday, May 31st

Longest Streak:

2 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

409 days

Daily Average:

67.7 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

3,460.1 words