Morpheus 21,815 of 40,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
4-Aug-08 10:23am 3,000 Chapter 15 Eros and Morpheus 21,815
25-Jul-08 9:50am 18,815 Chapters up to fouteen complete. 18,815
Estimated Count:

40,000 words

Current Count:

21,815 words

Words Left:

18,185 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Sunday, March 23rd

Longest Streak:

1 day

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

11 days

Daily Average:

1,983.2 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

10,907.5 words

About this project

Asami uncovers secrets that could shake the very foundation of hid belief system, not mention disrupt the love that has blossomed over the years. Will they survive years of lies and deception. What is Suzume hiding?