SSRA Prod Your Muse 2012 139,539 of 780,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
1-Oct-12 9:00pm 0 ERROR 127,755
30-Sep-12 9:00pm 37,816 SEPTEMBER Word Count from 8 of 13 participants reporting 127,755
30-Sep-12 9:00pm 0 ERROR 89,939
4-Sep-12 4:40pm 11,346 AUGUST Word Count from 3 of 13 participants reporting 89,939
31-Jul-12 9:00pm 3,788 Week 4 Word Count from 5 of 13 participants reporting (End of JULY) 78,593
21-Jul-12 9:00pm 11,006 Week 3 Word Count from 6 of 12 participants reporting 74,805
15-Jul-12 9:14pm 8,325 Week 2 Word Count from 4 of 12 participants reporting 63,799
9-Jul-12 3:00pm 20,024 Week 1 Word Count from 7 of 12 participants reporting 55,474
2-Jul-12 3:00pm 16,046 Day 1 Word Count from 8 of 12 participants reporting 35,450
1-Jul-12 6:00pm 19,404 Pre-PYM Word Count from 3 of 12 reporting participants 19,404
30-Jun-12 8:59pm 0 Get Ready to Prod Your Muse! 0
Estimated Count:

780,000 words

Current Count:

127,755 words

Words Left:

652,245 words



Last Activity:

2-Oct-2012 2:19pm

Estimated Finish:

Sunday, July 5th

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

2 days

Days on Project:

94 days

Daily Average:

1,359.1 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

12,775.5 words

About this project

PROD YOUR MUSE is SSRA's annual members-only writing contest. Between July and December 1st, participants agree to write a 65,000 word novel. The prize? The first draft of a novel! This Word Count Meter will track the progress of 8 of the 12 participants in the 2012 inaugural contest.