WORK 0 of 100,000 words

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Estimated Count:

100,000 words

Current Count:

0 words

Words Left:

100,000 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:


Longest Streak:

0 days

Current Streak:

0 days

Days on Project:

1 days

Daily Average:

0.0 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

0.0 words

About this project

he termination order was correct and the instructions was correct, I was just trying to stay ahead on the termination orders and make sure disconnects or done in the allot time. I check to see what task I had schedule and CME order was there and I open the order look over it check the date and it clearly states 3/21/08 ,but I miss ready it for 5/21/08 and started the remedy ticket . Remedy responded that there still traffic showing on the graphic so I sent email to NACA group to check to see if the company had ask to extend there service but there was no respond after several day I gave the okay to termination circuit. Overall, it was my mistake in misreading the date on the e-mail and sent out the remedy ticket.