The Morning Gift 55,471 of 80,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
24-Jun-11 7:59am 7,000 55,471
17-Jun-11 7:31am 5,575 48,471
10-Jun-11 7:38am 8,877 42,896
3-Jun-11 6:31am 12,247 34,019
27-May-11 7:32am 9,772 Catching up... 21,772
13-May-11 10:37am 6,000 12,000
6-May-11 9:42am 6,000 Been a fairly good week so far... 6,000
Estimated Count:

80,000 words

Current Count:

55,471 words

Words Left:

24,529 words



Last Activity:

9-Nov-2016 7:30am

Estimated Finish:

Saturday, May 11th

Longest Streak:

1 day

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

50 days

Daily Average:

1,109.4 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

7,924.4 words

About this project

A story set in Saxon times and the love between about Cate and Oswald which cannot be realised because of their families differences.