The Treasure Myth 10,353 of 30,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
2-Jan-11 11:06am 2,973 I'm going to get this book done if it kills me. Got to the sexy stuff today. 10,353
1-Dec-10 2:25pm 100 Yes, only 100 words. My profile on the laptop messed up. Needed to set up a new one and lost all my newest stuff. Thank God I had all my m/s backed up. I can live with losing a couple thousand words. Will be working on this and The Breeder's Daughter at the same time. 7,380
22-Nov-10 11:13am 1,773 I actually sat down for two hours and wrote. I think I've found a way to force myself to write. I'm starting playing the online farm game. I love it. I can't play it until I write for at least two hours. So far, so good. 7,280
20-Nov-10 7:52pm 5,507 Just started writing this story again after a few months. One of the six unfinished m/s in my hard drive. Hopefully not for long. 5,507
Estimated Count:

30,000 words

Current Count:

10,353 words

Words Left:

19,647 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Tuesday, July 9th

Longest Streak:

1 day

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

44 days

Daily Average:

235.3 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

2,588.3 words

About this project

Another shorter, sexier romance for Whispers Publishing. Would love to have it finished by the first of 2011.