Booktastic 13,420 of 120,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
31-Jul-09 1:10am 1,467 The heat has shriveled me head. No the other one. 13,420
23-Jul-09 3:15pm 589 Going through a major revision. 11,953
19-Jul-09 11:41pm 1,525 First review taking place 11,364
18-Jul-09 9:56am 1,327 Just getting back into the grind. It is too hot here in Vegas to write. 9,839
12-Jul-09 2:20pm 710 Not feeling so great hard to write. 8,512
11-Jul-09 1:49pm 673 Hey - It's Saturday 7,802
10-Jul-09 10:59am 1,036 I'm on a roll. Where I'm going I've no idea. 7,129
9-Jul-09 6:24am 930 Keeps on Truckin 6,093
6-Jul-09 11:40pm 511 Not been feeling to well lately 5,163
1-Jul-09 7:25am 1,230 Still working on the new changes 4,652
1-Jul-09 7:23am 1 Still changing the story events. Hard to keep straight. 3,422
1-Jul-09 7:21am 1 Still changing the story events. Hard to keep straight. 3,421
30-Jun-09 9:29am 657 Changing story around 3,420
29-Jun-09 11:12pm 285 Lots of background stuff. Hope it is not too much. 2,763
28-Jun-09 5:13am 1,218 Keep on truckin' 2,478
27-Jun-09 1:10pm 253 1,260
27-Jun-09 11:22am 1,007 Just started story after doing research and outline 1,007
Estimated Count:

120,000 words

Current Count:

13,420 words

Words Left:

106,580 words



Last Activity:

27-Jun-2012 1:50pm

Estimated Finish:

Thursday, December 11th

Longest Streak:

5 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

35 days

Daily Average:

383.4 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

958.6 words

About this project

I'm working on my first book.