Good Wood 4,732 of 35,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
30-Aug-14 7:22pm 4,732 Struggling through a slump keeping him from being called up to the majors, Bodie Riggins gets some advice from his new hitting coach. "You don't trust yourself, Riggins. Pick out someone and make them trust you. " The first person the twenty-four year old sees is the kooky lady living in the campsite across from his. Thirty-six-year old Rita Caminetti is as neurotic as they come. Seems to Bodie they could both use some good wood. 4,732
Estimated Count:

35,000 words

Current Count:

4,732 words

Words Left:

30,268 words



Last Activity:

27-Jan-2015 12:18pm

Estimated Finish:

Tuesday, April 30th

Longest Streak:

1 day

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

1 days

Daily Average:

4,732.0 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

4,732.0 words

About this project

Struggling through a slump keeping him from being called up to the majors, Bodie Riggins gets some advice from his new hitting coach. "You don't trust yourself, Riggins. Pick out someone and earn their trust. " The first person the twenty-four year old sees is the kooky lady living in the campsite across from his. Thirty-six-year old Rita Caminetti is as neurotic as they come. Bodie figures they could both use some good wood.