Morning Glory 27,097 of 40,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
3-Aug-14 9:41pm 1,635 27,097
28-Jul-14 10:28pm 1,507 More sprinting with Breeana! Making progress... 25,462
26-Jul-14 11:06pm 1,225 Word sprints with Breeana on Twitter! :) 23,955
10-Jul-14 9:56pm 1,350 Getting a bit of writing in during this first week of work at HHP! 22,730
23-Jun-14 10:52pm 2,183 Met my goal for today - grateful for those Twitter sprints! 21,380
18-Jun-14 3:06pm 3,956 It's been a while since I've updated my word count! I'm finally getting back in the groove - feeling the deadline pressure. ;) 19,197
12-Apr-14 3:41pm 3,377 Added over 3000 words during the #NaNoThon! Not as much as I had hoped, but still...something! 15,241
8-Apr-14 5:36pm 954 Intense scene! 11,864
7-Apr-14 6:04pm 1,542 Good writing evening! :) Discovered that it's helpful to determine not to research when sprinting. 10,910
7-Apr-14 1:13am 1,257 For some reason I'm a little off on the word count... If you count the front matter and everything in the document so far, I'm at 9368. So, I'm going with that. ;) 9,368
7-Apr-14 1:11am 752 OK, still have to pick up the pace - but making *some* progress! 8,111
6-Apr-14 1:57am 698 Got to pick up the pace if I want to meet my Camp NaNo goal! 7,359
2-Apr-14 1:59pm 1,373 Enrolled in Camp NaNoWriMo! :) 6,661
20-Mar-14 12:39am 1,108 OK, I'm just going to include all the front matter and every word of the book - much easier to keep track of word count that way! Anyway, wrote a little during a word sprint and then finished up the scene later on in the evening. 5,288
18-Mar-14 6:59pm 750 Finally getting back to this!! Did a couple of sprints with some friends on Twitter. Haven't quite finished the scene(s) at the drug store... 4,180
6-Mar-14 12:48am 611 Participated in a #1k1hr tonight. Still a little behind, but it was a fun scene to write (with the monkey)! ;) 3,430
4-Mar-14 12:13am 1,027 Participated in a couple of #1k1hrs. Didn't quite catch up from yesterday, but feeling good about the progress and the new scenes! :) 2,819
1-Mar-14 10:06pm 1,016 Participated in a few #1k1hrs today for the start of DOOM. Got distracted by some research, but it was great! Excited by the unique scene(s) I can add because of it. 1,792
22-Feb-14 4:49pm 776 It has begun... 776
Estimated Count:

40,000 words

Current Count:

27,097 words

Words Left:

12,903 words



Last Activity:

7-Oct-2019 9:44am

Estimated Finish:

Saturday, May 10th

Longest Streak:

3 days

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

163 days

Daily Average:

166.2 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

1,593.9 words

About this project

Morning Glory is an inspirational Western romance set in Oregon in 1887, and it's the 3rd book in "The Heart's Spring" series.