Silver (working title) 11,600 of 100,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
9-Oct-13 7:31am 11,600 Two months worth of work. 11,600
Estimated Count:

100,000 words

Current Count:

11,600 words

Words Left:

88,400 words



Last Activity:

4-Nov-2013 8:39am

Estimated Finish:

Thursday, May 2nd

Longest Streak:

1 day

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

1 days

Daily Average:

11,600.0 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

11,600.0 words

About this project

Kate's mother died in a bombing when she was just four, and her father from an accident just a few months ago. When she discovers that the tiny bug like repair bots on her colony ship will listen to her, her life is turned even more upside down. As she and her brother try to find out what really happened to their parents, and what the strange symbol on a silver coin means, they discover far more than they imagined.