Blood Pancakes 170,865 of 90,000 words

Your Meter
When Words Comments Total
27-Sep-13 9:27am 395 When you get up into the 100k+ words range, adding a few hundred words here and there doesn't seem to change the bar graph nearly as much as when it was a little book. 170,865
13-Feb-13 11:17pm 26,998 Forgot to post my progress for a while. Been slowly chipping away at it. Passed my word count goal. Now just to finish the story! 170,470
2-Dec-12 12:00am 143,472 60k written during NaNoWrimo 2011, 30k+ written over the intervening 11 months, another 65k written during NaNoWriMo 2012. Trying to finish this now! 143,472
Estimated Count:

90,000 words

Current Count:

170,865 words

Words Left:

-80,865 words



Last Activity:

27-Sep-2013 10:03am

Estimated Finish:


Longest Streak:

1 day

Current Streak:

1 day

Days on Project:

300 days

Daily Average:

569.6 words

Active Days:


Active Average:

56,955.0 words

About this project

I started this book as a topic challenge. It is about Amish vampires that eventually end up in space. It's taken me so long to write it that I'm afraid by the time it's finished it will be too late to share it with the person who challenged me to write it to begin with. But for now, my goal is just to finish the story. What was originally meant to be one book grew into two, and now THREE books in a series! I never meant to write this much... but this is how the story goes. Either that or it will just be one very super long book. This is my first book. The size of it is a little intimidating for me right now.